Category Archives: News

Prehab: What Is It?

Ah, to be injury-free! It’s an athlete’s best dream. Yet, it’s not just athletes that benefit from being injury-free. No one likes to get injured. What’s the best way to avoid injury? You could avoid sports and physical activity at all costs and sit at home, but then you’d mostly just be avoiding life. And, […]

Safe Ways To Train During Injury Recovery

When you’re an active athlete, it’s difficult to be sidelined. Que the restlessness, the worry, and anxiety, not to mention boredom when you can’t do what you love. When you can’t be as active due to an injury, it can affect your mental health just as much as your physical health. It can make it […]

Pelvic Physical Therapy: What To Expect

Nobody likes to admit it when they have a problem, especially when that problem is affecting their everyday life. Furthermore, it’s even more difficult to recognize a problem when it involves the pelvic area. Pelvic problems are common, yet they are not normal. There are ways to treat pelvic problems without invasive surgery or medication. […]

3 Hidden Swimming Injuries to be Aware Of!

Swimming is an incredibly physically demanding sport. Yet, it’s also a great way to cross-train and have an active recovery day. It’s low-impact, which makes it ideal for people recovering from an injury. However, despite its low impact, you’re still at risk of injuring yourself while swimming. Most people – competitive and recreational swimmers alike […]

Cross-Train With Trail Running & Other Benefits

For many avid runners, there’s nothing like slipping on a pair of shoes and hitting the road. You’d be hard-pressed to find a runner that likes to run on the treadmill. Ask any of them what they prefer – inside or outside running – and almost every one of them will say outside. However, the […]

Living More Comfortably With Pelvic Problems

Let’s make this clear: You are not alone when it comes to pelvic problems. Pelvic disorders are difficult to live with, uncomfortable, and even painful. It’ll make you want to avoid certain activities or stay near a bathroom. It’s perhaps even more uncomfortable to talk about pelvic problems – even with your doctor. However, you […]

4 Ways to Avoid Trail Running Injuries

After gearing up in the early morning, you get into your car and you start driving – further and further away from the city you’re so accustomed to seeing. The grays and browns of the concrete buildings gradually give way to the beautiful colors of nature – greens in the summer, and gold and red […]

Pelvic Health & Physical Therapy

Pelvic health is not something that many women actively think about regularly. Maintaining fitness, mind, body, and emotions usually take up the priority list when it comes to overall health. About the only time pelvic health is discussed is during the once-a-year annual check-ups with your OB doctor. However, as a woman, your pelvic health […]

4 Common Swimming Injuries That Can be Prevented

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than a million recreational and competitive swimmers in the US. With over 300 million visits each year, it’s a popular competitive sport as well as recreational activity. So popular that it ranks fourth in the United States and is even the most popular activity […]

Joint Stability Vs Joint Mobility: Why They Both Matter

The joints are often the most neglected part of the body for an athlete, as the focus is mostly on muscle strength and endurance. Yet, they can be the most problematic for anyone who moves, which is pretty much, well, everyone. Regardless of athletic ability or fitness level, healthy joints mean happy joints and happy […]